About Me


I just happened to be a very bored kid who started this stop-motion animation studio on a whim way back in March 2010. The first few episodes premiered on the Gogo’s Crazy Bones website, but I then moved to a standalone YouTube channel, which ran for a couple years before I finally got tired and ended the run in November 2013, with a concluding stop motion in the following couple months.

149 thoughts on “About Me”

        1. because she swore not to make another video because I wouldn’t edit one of her stop motions because I was busy. she doesn’t know how to edit, and if I learned to edit by myself without help, she can too.

      1. oh. well, I wear glasses, and i’m still laughed at. just wondering, bro. also, I took a look at your ugly dolls and since when is there a kaiju?

  1. where did you get that authorized personnel only poster? (i am not a stalker, i just saw it on your door in lost in london) I’ve checked up and down on amazon, and it looks pretty cool.

        1. I just make my posters using the copy and paste technique and no its not piracy. well it is if I sell them worldwide. that word describes my mother!!!!

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